Modern Tools for Front-End Development

Who Am I?

Front-end developers have been at a disadvantage

  1. Browser inconsistencies were a major pain
    • Stifled innovation
  2. CSS is "Easy"
    • Bidding against "the nephew"
  3. Properties rather than programming
    • Lack of variables, functions, objects
  4. Proliferation of devices
This is not the web
This is the web
This will be the web

New Tools for New Challenges

  1. CSS Pre-processors
  2. Polyfill/compatibility libraries
  3. Responsive Development Tools

Installing Sass

There are a number of 3rd party apps to support CSS preprocessors


We're going to use Ruby

Using Ruby Gems

$ gem install bundler


source ""

gem 'guard-sass'
gem 'compass'
gem 'guard-livereload'

$ bundle install

Using Drupal Streamline

  • Includes Sass, Compass and LiveReload
  • Leverages Guard

# More info at

guard 'sass',
  :input => 'docroot/sites/all/themes/wscu_theme/scss',
  :output => 'docroot/sites/all/themes/wscu_theme/css',
  :compass => true,
  :style => :compressed

Sass Features

  1. Partials
  2. Variables
  3. Nested inheritance
  4. Extending Classes
  5. Functions/Mixins
  6. Operations

Cross-Browser Support
with Compass

  1. CSS3 Support
  2. Typography and Vertical Rhythm

Simplify Responsive Design
with LiveReload


